LowIQTrash » Yesterday, 2:54 am » wrote: ↑
I had this random thought before going to bed.
You know how social conservatives always lament the lack of masculinity in modern society, the increasing levels of immaturity among younger generations, the lack of responsible adults, etc.?
Well it turns out attributing these changes to the failures of "leftist education" / "leftist" professors is a garbage explanation since educators AS A GROUP have ALWAYS leaned "progressive" or "reformist." (That profession ATTRACTS those personality types)
Universities / centers of learning always favored the rabble rouser (yes, even back in Colonial America - their equivalent of 1960s hippies dominated higher education)
Propaganda thru mass media has been a thing since the printing press.
So while you can argue propaganda is a contributor, I consider this a secondary factor at best and likely tertiary in importance.
For example, they have no such "wokeness" or "woke movement" in China yet their population suffers from many of the same afflictions we Americans deal with.
You know what came about around the same time the 1980s kids and beyond were born?
Tens of thousands of CHEMICALS that are magically FDA / EPA approved or rubber stamped every year (they are in the high 100,000s or 1,000,000+ in quantity by now)
The vast majority are not "properly tested." To properly vet these chimaeras would require YEARS of experiments and observational studies, and no corporation is going to do that.
They are not going to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars per major trial to "vet themselves"
Many side effects do not show up until YEARS after they reach a critical level in the human body, and even then you have to do regression analysis to weed out the false catalysts / reasons.
You can bet your ENTIRE retirement money + future SS payments that "mental problems" have "physiological roots."
They are not diseases of the mind but more likely diseases of the body.
These chemicals are dispersed throughout our water, air, and soil, and make their way into human bodies slowly but surely, over decades.
And while I do not have PROOF, I strongly suspect THIS is the #1 factor for what social conservatives consider errant behavior.
But...but...it's a free market! There are too many reGOOLAYSHUNZ!!"